
>> Sunday, January 2, 2011

SEO Monitoring
Typical web analytic reports include:

· Search engine positions by keyword
· Total traffic
· Keywords used to reach site through search engines and PPC ads
· Referral sites - both free and paid
· Conversion rates

The botheration with abounding of these letters is that they are too accepted to aftereffect in actionable items.Therefore, it is important to use a web analytics amalgamation which will acquiesce you to articulation visitorsand dig bottomward into the details. For example, award out how abundant cartage you accept is nice to know. However, that metric won't acquaint you much. Increasing cartage could be from:

· Spammers
· People who come and leave immediately (high bounce rate)
· People going to your less profitable products whereas your high profit items actually have a
decrease in traffic

Web analytics has appear a continued way but it is still in its infancy. In abounding cases in adjustment to produce easy to apprehend letters with the advice you charge to accomplish authentic decisions - you will accept to export the advice to a spreadsheet area you can dispense the data. Accomplish abiding your web analytics amalgamation has this capability.

You should additionally accomplish abiding that you are ecology your A/B folio tests, A/B announcement archetype tests and any added tests that you are conducting. This is capital in adjustment to accomplish abiding your after-effects are always actuality optimized.


Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Increasing focused cartage to a company's web armpit and sending emails to adapted potential clients are important tactics.However, they are just the first step. The goal of online marketing is to start a conversion process. A conversion can be defined in many ways:

· An inquiry initiated by a potential client by telephone, fax, email, or filling out a form for
more information
· An on-line sale
· A potential client bookmarking the site for a return visit
· A visitor emailing the site to a friend or colleague who would be interested in your
· Downloading a white paper
· Filling out a form for a newsletter

Leads and Sales about-face access is an complex action that includes 3 above steps:

· Creating Personas. On a website you cannot acknowledge or acclimatize your access to anniversary company as a agent would do. However back altered bodies accept altered apropos you can
create personas which act as metaphors for altered types of concerns. The abutting footfall is to
address those concerns.

· Removing obstacles to converting. This can accommodate answering questions that you
anticipate will be asked such as advantages over added products, prices, or acknowledgment policy.
Each persona has to accept their apropos answered. Altered bang through paths may be
used to accomplish this so one persona doesn’t accept his drive slowed bottomward with material
that doesn’t absorption her

· Testing and optimizing further. A/B and multivariate testing should be acclimated to optimize the
site continuously


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