SEO Course Introduction
>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A 30 minute Introduction to Internet Marketing
This course is a little different than most others. It is designed to give busy people a quick
overview of Internet marketing. We show how different tactics are related to each other. You can
test your knowledge by taking the SEO Cartoon Quiz. The course is best for people who:

2.Want to hire an Internet marketing firm and need to know more about the subject in a hurry
3. Are working with an Internet marketing firm and want to be more knowledgeable about the
Why is it called SEO if we are teaching Internet Marketing?
One of the most important lessons in Internet Marketing is to use the same language that your
customers use. This is an old rule that is also true for offline marketing also. Online, however, it is
critical. We will clarify this later.
SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, never really was a good description for what
SEO is. We are not optimizing the search engines – rather, we are optimizing our web sites. To
make things more confusing, web optimization now refers to optimizing a web site for conversions
(sales and leads).
A long time ago, SEO was the main technique for driving traffic to web sites. Today, we have PPC
(pay per click advertising-usually on search engines), SMO (social media optimization) and many
others. However, many people still use SEO as a description for web marketing. This is especially
true outside the US. In America, people are quicker to adopt new buzzwords. In the rest of the
world, where English is more often a second language, the adoption rate is slower.
SEM (search engine marketing) is a more recent and broader term than SEO since it includes PPC
and SEO. Internet marketing is broader still and includes: SEO, PPC, paid ads, email marketing,
SMO, web analytics, conversion optimization, affiliate marketing, etc. However, SEO is easier to
write into a search engine, easier for many people to use and is a better known term especially for
people who are not familiar with the subject. Therefore, it is often used as a synonym for Internet
Marketing for newcomers. That is why we called our course: SEO 101.
I hope that this SEO course helps you to start your journey in web marketing.
Internet Marketing Strategy Overview
Internet Marketing Strategy Overview